ARC Stake adds two important partners to its portfolio: Mairon and EGLD.INFO

We are happy to announce that ARC Stake has expanded its portfolio with two valuable partners that build on the Elrond blockchain, namely Mairon and EGLD.INFO! In the following period, we will synchronize on aspects related to marketing, infrastructure support, but also on interesting joint activities. Follow our posts, you will find out new details soon!


About Mairon


Mairon is a real-time analysis platform for NFT traders. The platform offers powerful tools to analyze millions of NFTs integrated into the Elrond blockchain, providing insights in areas as top trending collection, collection analysis, buy rank, watchlist, best deals, insane trades, and deal sniper.

Their 2022 roadmap includes the addition of four amazing new features: Quick Buy, Whale Watch, Smart Bidding, and NFT Portfolio Tracker.

The platform will be able to be used by subscribing or buying an NFT that will guarantee lifetime access to its services and exclusively regarding the NFTs on the Elrond blockchain.

The Mairon core team is composed of four professional IT engineers, with an open vision towards the new technology represented by blockchain and by a responsible for the business strategy. If you access the official Mairon website, you will have the opportunity to get to know them better and connect with Andrei, Marius, Vladimir, Răzvan and Alin.




EGLD.INFO is an important platform for Elrond investors and the best advisor in town, integrating hints about ESDTs exchanges, best-buy, sniper, and a trading tool coming soon.

The platform displays vital data for investors, such as:

  • the best rates among all major exchanges in the Elrond ecosystem for various tokens;
  • the possible profits from farms, metastaking and metabonding, depending on the amount the user wants to invest;
  • the perspective on the wallets of the most influential Elrond users.

Other included components are “Wallet Value” and “EGLD Staking”, the last one comparing staking providers, helping you to identify the most profitable of them.

The core team of EGLD.INFO is made up of two co-founders, IT professionals and enthusiasts, Bogdan Mihai Iuga and Vlad Negrean. As two talented full-stack developers, together they achieve the best results!


  • The Mairon links


App: (… coming soon!)





  • The EGLD.INFO links






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